Montessori sandpaper letters - ÆØÅ
Montessori sandpaper letters – let your fingers follow the letter shape and explore the alphabet with all your senses! The letter cards are made of wood, and the letters are covered with soft sandpaper. The color coding with pink consonants and blue vowels helps the child distinguish between different sounds. Perfect for both kindergarten and home!
How do I use the product?
Children learn best by seeing and doing. Here are some tips for showing your child how to use the sandpaper letters:
1. Demonstrate how to pick up a letter and feel its shape with your fingers.
2. Show your child how to trace the letter shapes with their fingers. Encourage your child to say the name of the letter as they trace it. This will help them connect the letter shapes to the sounds they represent.
Tips for activities:
Guessing game:
Close your eyes and trace the letter shape with your fingers, can you guess which letters they are?
Alphabet game:
Lay out the entire alphabet on the floor. Say a letter sound!
The child should point, touch or stand on the letter they hear. Switch roles.
Find the first letter of the name or word and pick the correct letter card.
Technical specifications
Contents and materials:
Wooden box
29 wooden plates with sandpaper letters from A - Z.
Wipe with a dry cloth.
Shipping weight:
1.95 kg
Not recommended as "Package for letterbox"
Montessori sandpaper letters - ÆØÅ
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