simple answers
to common questions:
Is Reggio Emilia alternative?
The short answer is NO.
Reggio Emilia is a pedagogy that places the child as an individual and as part of a social group at the center.
It is the child themselves who controls their everyday life and the educators should support and be learning guides where the children show interest.
Are Montessori and Reggio Emilia the same?
The short answer is NO. But there are many similarities that tie the two pedagogies together. The child is at the center and the teachers are the guides.
Reggio Emilia: An educational direction based on the child as an individual and as part of a larger social group. Collaboration between children where teachers are supervisors and co-researchers. Great emphasis is placed on building social relationships.
Montessori: An educational approach that focuses on practical skills and individual learning. The role of the educator is to guide the child to independent exploration and learning.
How can children be allowed to control their own daily lives in Reggio Emilia kindergartens?
It is the task of the tutors to follow the curiosity that the children already show. By listening to the children and their needs, the children will acquire both skills and knowledge when the desire to learn is already there.
Children's thoughts, ideas and opinions are valued and taken seriously, giving them an active role in their own learning process.
I know nothing about Reggio Emilia, how can I let my child try this at home?
By introducing toys that do not have a specific function, the child will learn what is needed in the game from the various items. These are often toys we call "Open ended toys" or "Free play".
Give your child space to find their own way into play. Don't show your child how you choose to play with, for example, building blocks, but observe and answer questions that the child wonders about. Some children choose to stack them in tall towers, others make patterns on the floor. While others use them to retell fairy tales.
What learning materials are used in Reggio Emilia?
In Reggio Emilia, many natural materials, recycled materials, mirrors, lights and other building materials are used. You will not find toys with a specific function, such as dolls, cars and rocking horses.
Creativity is considered a fundamental part of learning, and aesthetic expression plays a central role in children's exploration and communication.
Thus, the toys should be what we call "open ended" or "Free play", and it will thus be up to the children to assign a function or characteristic to the toy.